Food Service

Looking for breakfast/lunch menus? - Please visit the "Breakfast/Lunch Menus" Page.

Meet the Staff

Director of Food Services - Destiny Sutherland ext 406

Elementary ext 190

Crystal Cameron - Food Service Cook

Christina Collins- Food Service Cook

Jamie Woodmansee - Food Service Cook

Middle School  ext 290

Cindy Davis - Food Service Cook

Sharon Morrison- Food Service Cook

Lori Witzel - Food Service Cook

High School ext 390

Vicki Bennett - Food Service Cook

Karen Stout - Food Service Cook

Salena Vaughn - Food Service Cook

Cafeteria (PK-12)

Cabool Schools has a "Closed Lunch Room" policy. Students are not allowed to leave campus during lunch. As such, students signing

out for lunch will be counted as being absent for the period immediately following lunch, even if they return to school prior to the start of class.

Grades Pre K – 4

Grades 5 – 8

There are two lunch periods:

Grades 9 – 12

 There are two lunch periods:

Students can purchase a second meal items as follows:

Pre-Paid Meal System, Delinquent Lunch Accounts & Collection Policy

This policy was created to establish consistent meal charging and collection procedures districtwide. The goals of this policy are:

Every effort will be made to ensure a positive cafeteria experience, allow students to receive the nutrition they need to stay focused during the school day, to prevent the identification of students with insufficient funds to pay for meals and maintain the financial integrity of the non-profit school food service account. Payment in advance for meals enables the District to achieve these goals.

Pre-paid Meal System: The Cabool School’s meal accounting system is a pre-paid system. Parents or guardians deposit money into their child’s account before meals are served. Payments can be made daily, weekly, monthly, or annually. In addition to using cash and checks, parents can also pay online with their credit/debit cards. It is the parent’s responsibility to make sure that money is in the account or a home prepared meal is sent to school with their child.

Emergency Meal Service: The Board of Education acknowledges that on occasion, families may encounter special circumstances. In such cases, the child’s statement of need shall be accepted and food will be made available based upon on a site administrative decision.

Repayment for Meal Charges and Bad Checks: Federal guidelines prohibit the Food Services Department from writing off bad debts as a result of charged meals. Every effort will be made to collect for unpaid meals.

Program Limitations: Students with negative account balances can only purchase regular breakfast and lunch meals. À la carte (2nd or extra) items cannot be charged.

 When a student’s lunch bill is over the -$20.00 limit and the parent/guardian is unable to be reached, the student may be restricted from attending or participating in extracurricular activities including but not limited to: