School Board
Cabool R-IV School District Board of Education (2024-2025)
Back row: Shaun Watson, Michael McCall, Ethan Knapp, and James Brennan
Front row: Shelia Long, Jacob Reese, and Chelsea Melton
Mrs. Chelsea Melton, President, MSBA Delegate
Mr. Jacob Reese, Vice President
Mrs. Shelia Long, Treasurer
Mr. Michael McCall, Member
Mr. Ethan Knapp, Member
Mr. Shaun Watson, Member
Mr. James Brennan, Member
Wendy Reese, Board Secretary, Custodian of Records
Board of Education Responsibilities
A board of education is a governmental body created by law to maintain public schools within a given district. Education is a function of the State. The board, therefore, represents the state even though the members are elected by the people of the district by virtue of authority granted by the State Legislature. Law defines the duties and responsibilities of district boards of education in the State of Missouri.
Individual board members exercise their authority only when the board is actually in session and not individually outside of a meeting. Decisions and policies of the board of education are agreed upon only in official board meetings. Boards of education are to adopt rules and regulations to aid in making the wishes of the board understood by all employees.
School Board Meetings
In general, the School Board meets on the second Monday of the month at 6:30 PM in the Middle School Library at 1025 Rogers St in Cabool. Special Board meetings may be called as needed for emergency or immediate action. The Board does not meet in July and the Tax Rate Hearing is held prior to the regular August meeting. Citizens of the Cabool School District who desire to speak to the Board should contact the Superintendent as soon as possible but no less than 7 days prior to the scheduled board meeting.