Library/Media Center
Meet the Staff
Elementary School Librarian - Lisa Windsor
Middle School Librarian - Jason Vonallmen
About Library/Media Center
The librarian is on duty from 7:25 a.m. to 3:25 p.m. at the media center library. Library passes are to be issued by the classroom teacher with a time and purpose of library use. Students should return to classrooms at least five minutes before the end of the class period. Books may be checked out for two weeks and renewed twice. No more than three books may be checked out at one time. If books are not returned on time, the student will be charged a fine of ten cents a day for each day overdue, with a maximum fine of $3. Reference books may be checked out for one day only. If not returned on the date due, a fine of 25 cents will be charged for each day the material is kept overdue up to the replacement cost of the book. If a book is destroyed or lost for one month, the borrower will be charged the replacement cost. Service may be denied to those students not meeting obligations.