Policy of Non-Discrimination
The Cabool R-IV School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies:
Dr. Karl Janson - Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Karl Janson - Superintendent of Schools
725 Main Street Cabool, Missouri 65689
417-962-3153 Opt 1
Mr. Brad Shockley - High School Principal
Mr. Brad Shockley - High School Principal
720 Peabody Avenue Cabool, Missouri 65689
417-962-3153 Opt 4
For further information on notice of non-discrimination, call 1-800-421-3481.
Title IX Requirements & Training 24-25
Title IX Requirements & Training 24-25